Saturday 16th August 2014 (20 anglers) Skylark Lake
Skylark Lake produced a close match in todays Open Match. Stuart Bracey (Shimano/Dynamite Baits) edged this one from Peg 9 with 116lbs 4oz. Stuart fished tight to the island on caster for a mixed bag of fish. Just missing out in second was Spike Milligan (Lincs County) Peg 33 with 116lbs 0oz. Third placed angler was Matt Pillay (MAP/Old Ghost) Peg 17 with 110lbs 12oz.
1st Stuart Bracey (Shimano/Dynamite Baits) 116lbs 4oz Peg 9
2nd Spike Milligan (Lincs County) 116lbs 0oz Peg 33
3rd Matt Pillay (MAP/Old Ghost) 110lbs 12oz Peg 17
4th Paul Harsley (Daves Peg) 95lbs 6oz Peg 3
5th Richard Bond (Bury St.Edmunds AC) 78lbs 14oz Peg 25