Thursday 26th March 2015 (32 anglers) Skylark Lake
The drop in temperature combined with the cold rain in the morning, set the scene for hard match ahead. John Seally (JVAC) was pegged on some fish, and easily won with 40lbs 8oz from Peg 18. In joint second pegged next to each other was Tom Wilson (Westwood Lakes) Peg 41 and Ray Pauley (JVAC) Peg 42 with 33lbs 6oz each.
1st John Seally (JVAC) 40lbs 8oz Peg 18
=2nd Tom Wilson (Westwood Lakes) 33lbs 6oz Peg 41
=2nd Ray Pauley (JVAC) 33lbs 6oz Peg 42
4th Boris Kilner (Army) 22lbs 10oz Peg 39